- Amelia
- Regjistruar : 02/01/2008
Postime : 909
Points : 1463
Reputacioni : 59
Anxhela Peristeri before and after
Re: Shikoni transformimin e VIP-ave shqiptarë, natyra apo bisturia?
12th February 2016, 21:55Amelia
Fjolla Morina before and after
12th February 2016, 21:56
Arga Gashi before and after
12th February 2016, 21:57
Zajmina Vasjari before and after
12th February 2016, 22:01
Era Istrefi before and after
12th February 2016, 22:03
Vildane Zeneli before and after
12th February 2016, 22:04
Sonila Meco before and after
12th February 2016, 22:05
Morena Taraku before and after
12th February 2016, 22:06
Elvana Gjata before and after
12th February 2016, 22:07
Agnesa Vuthaj before and after
12th February 2016, 22:08
Arta Bajrami before and after
2nd March 2016, 14:17
Eh cben silikoni e bisturia
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