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Kristaq Shabani
Kristaq Shabani
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Pelasgian language, language of the gods *By Prof. Kristaq F. Shabani IWA, AOM, ABI, IBC Empty Pelasgian language, language of the gods *By Prof. Kristaq F. Shabani IWA, AOM, ABI, IBC

10th July 2021, 17:45
Pelasgian language, language of the gods *
The masterpiece "Language of the Gods", by the scholar Aristidh P. Kola, a colorful rainbow of stars that come together to bring the illumination of the existence of Pelasgian antiquity (speech)
By Prof. Kristaq F. Shabani IWA, AOM, ABI, IBC
"Language of the gods", one of the masterpieces of Aristidh Kolja, which has a pronounced study character and typical presentation of the combined historical, linguistic science.
His writing initiative, the object
Enlightenment on a controversial topic by "historians" on Pelasgian antiquity…
I have known and I have been for several years close to this typical scholar, who has used facts, events, occurrences, evidence, realities, away from creative fantasies, emphasizing strongly analytics and logical deduction, persuasive argument, away from fabrications and mediocrities, which extinguish and disappear...
He was characterized by the passion to accomplish the real historical revelation, with a typical study of the part to achieve with scientific courage the whole, using his own studies, but also illuminated by the works of serious scholars of world historiography, who have delivered this diverse topic, on the Pelasgian issue as well as on the thesis of Indo-European languages.
His observation that the Pelasgians are the ancestors of the Illyrians, but also of the Greeks, was shocking to the latter and the emergence of the major finding that the Pelasgians were the source and distributors of civilization, in a dominant part of the world, i.e. givers and torches, the flambeaus of the transmission of this civilization to the Greeks, Phoenicians, Babylonians etcetera. So, in an illuminating original position, with a civilized crucial role. Therefore their language is defined not only symbolically as a Western language, but realistically and convincingly…
When treating language, identity and studies of this level are made on the birth, existence and life of this present existence, Aristidh Kolja grasps and treats an issue from a not young age, but very, very deep in existence. Although Dhimitrios Kamaradas (Arvanitas, Lower Italy), from the point of view of the proximity of the Arvanitas lexicon to the pre - Homeric and Homeric one, could not contain the exaltation of the finding, declaring the thunderous, shocking big statement: "The Arvanite language is the language of the gods.". By contacting Aristidh directly, but also expressing what he reflects in the work, about which we are writing down these typical notes, he concludes that this language is exactly what Homer evidences and gives the attributes of an old language, i.e. the Pelasgian language, which can be considered as the “mother of languages”. This is justified and convincingly argued by the names of the symbolism of the Gods, where this ancient language "baptized" the Gods by name.
Aristidh Kola refutes with typical persistence the thesis of Indo-Europeanism and his persistence based on facts and arguments roots the bright thesis that the "mother tongue" from which other languages ​​were derived is Pelasgian. In this context, it is concluded that the Pelasgian is the mother, it is the root, which created or founded the crown of world civilization. He knew that he would be in serious contradiction witth the prevailing view of Indo-Europeanism.
His brilliant explanation of this issue: was based on the "Book of Mental and Material Memory" with the evidence, the legends, the traditions, the presence of monuments, words, which included a large space of existence and action, mentioning the Iberian Peninsula and up to India. This was a representation that spoke majestically, when the Indo-Europeans did not have such an opportunity… He precipitated with his opinion that, the opposite that was thrown and twisted, had to do with a scientific phantasmagoria, created and supported by a community of scientific roots. But, this is convincingly explained by he reliable Pelasgian theory.
The Indo-European cradle movement, initially, on the banks of the Ganges and Indus rivers, during the last century, later transferred to the Caucasus, to the Pamir, and now, finally, changed place in Europe, always with the same fanatical conviction.
This relied on displacements, on admissions, on hypothetical and fantasy details, on a non-convincing conviction, on an allusion to no real basis, on a reproductive catapult launching, on an atypical, mind-filling mentality that linguists sweat in their defending utterances of the above theory, where "pills" of dictionaries with Indo-European roots are mentioned as arguments, which they have always sought to be considered incontrovertible… This has led to the linguistic laws being mixed in the turmoil of this hypothesis with sand legs… "This was expressed by the scholar himself, who insisted that the linguistic community had only one cradle, the Illyrian Peninsula” (Northwest), where he justified it with the existential presence of the multifaceted presence of ancient cultural centers, which speak the language of antiquity. The Pelasgian culture written with works of this accent and the most significant cult like that of Dodona…, this culture being present on the top of the mountains and in the whole territory of Epirus- central Albania.
He strongly emphasized the emphasis of the Illyrian tribe of Dardanians, which has given strong tracing effects from the Balkans to the area in India and Tibet…
Aristidh's analysis, in this work, is permeated by a tearing synthesis and comparative analytical thought, which leads to an appropriating typical characteristic for the ancient and ruling presence of the Pelasgians.
The acing factor of time
The compelling and factual sketch of the ages, where Alexander the Great on his journey to India, would encounter interesting illuminated and real stories about the campaigns of his ancestors, in that country (i.e. India) and this was realized by the interesting reports of priests.
The exploitation of these narrations is often used in allusion to double inversion. We have already reached a situation where the historians themselves are shaking the Indo-European thesis by attaching to the thesis that the hypothetical Indo-European people did not come from India to Europe, but the opposite happened…
We are therefore dealing with total elimination or oscillation and disorientation of the accuracy of the thesis. The hypothesis, allegory, metaphor is losing that former and persistent enlightenment…
Aristidhinian Arguments:
In the mountainous area of ​​the northwestern Balkans and Arcadia, the Pelasgians were born and dynamically vegetated (autochthonous from the Land and not from the gods) and, from here, they reached all over the world, so much so that you can even call them the "chosen people of the human race" who created the civilization here 10,000 years ago. Questions arise: Who were the Pelasgians? What was the language of the Pelasgians?
It is known that there was a very large population, which spread throughout Greece (then called Pelasgia), Asia Minor, Italy, North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula. It is pointed out that the Pelasgians created the religious system of the Greeks, gave names to the gods and set the rules of worship to them.
The Pelasgians had some typical characteristics that are expressed in their mentality and movement:
* People who moved surging from one place to another;
* Very self-demanding, similar to the phenomenon of "stork" (similar to the duet leaving - return to the homeland again).
* The identification of Pelasgians- the Arvanite of the present day, which is rejected by historians who think differently…
* The sufficient elements that exist for the Pelasgians as well as the existence of a lot of light-issuing data in the Pelasgian thesis are not properly assessed; the presence of toponyms, the names of the Gods, the knowledge passed down from ages, the presence of geographical elements or other special features or material culture.
The claim that the ancient Greeks claimed descent from the Pelasgians, the Gods of Olympus, and very ancient Pelasgian cults, constitutes, not only the most beautiful system of worship, but also the only one that relies on pure logic, contrary to the religions known to us that rely on faith.
The ancient thinkers state: The creators of this wonderful old system are authored by the Pelasgians. This eliminates the ill-formulated idea that the Pelasgians are not a fantastic people, or supposed conventionally, just like the so-called "Indo-Europeans", but a real people, with a cultural identity and a concrete personality. The ancient Greeks were deeply convinced that they were descendants of the Pelasgians, but, nevertheless, Herodotus, who initiated and wrote the first about history and transmitted this belief, is again the first to question it, thus transmitting the doubt to later historians till the present day.
Aristidh had extraordinary knowledge of the philosophers of ancient Greece. He mentioned Herodotus as an argument provider and exhibitor of the beliefs of the Greek people and of the priests who knew about their Pelasgian origin, but he himself doubted that, based on his conviction that the Pelasgians were a barbaric nation, not for any other reason, but because they spoke a language different from that of the Greeks of his time. Thus he came to his own conclusion, thanks to expeditionary actions and surveys that, in three cities the Pelasgian language was still spoken.
Herodotus came to this conclusion, based on his deep but erroneous conviction, that the languages ​​of the peoples remain unchanged and do not evolve. ("The Greek nation," he says somewhere, "as it seems to me, always uses the same language").
The existence of the rejection or dilemma of the origin of the Greeks by the Pelasgians refutes the widespread beliefs of the ancient Greeks, based on the conclusion of Herodotus, who is logically wrong, as the language undergoes through the passing time necessary changes and additions. Aristidh Kolja defends in his studies that Alexander the Great and the mythical heroes spoke only one old language, the Pelasgian language. But, emigrations and the expansion of the map for them are best known… This also brought new stationing plantings, language and words. Displacement from the Old Peninsula has had its consequences: Morea, Italy, Asia Minor, the lands along the Danube and Evkinso banks, the other group to the North Africa and mainly in Egypt and Mesopotamia. A repetition of the displacement of the old history of the displaced Pelasgians, in exactly the same places.
"Repetition is a sweeter refrain in the same places than in new spaces, because in the old places of displacement, there are always traces and traces."
Aristidh often mentioned that the Arvanite always carried heavy weights on their shoulders, which he mentions in his book "The Arvanite and the Origin of the Greeks". Fresh evidence during the long Turkish occupation and the culmination of the Revolution of 1821. Typical and illustrative: All the heroes of this revolution, on rare occasions, spoke the Arvanite language… So this was the language that the heroes dialogue, hence Aristidh testified that it was also the language of heroes…. A beautiful renewal from prehistory.
In the conversations we had in his office, which had a very rich library and, I can say, had a large fund of books in Albanian…, he emphasized and was proud that Illyrian was the language of the Great people. He mentioned here in conversations Alexander the Great and other strategists. He liked to refer to the fact that his mother, Olympias, was also Molossian, explaining that the Macedonian words bore a resemblance to the Arvanite language. In the meeting organized with my father, Fori, a great connoisseur of the Greek history in all its periods, as he was educated there, up to the University, I was present, where in the dialogue between them was mentioned Finley's saying in the "History of the Greek Revolution", that Alexander the Great, in his symposiums with his strategists spoke a and early dialect of arvanite.
Aristidh was proud to have originated from the Dardanians and, in his works, he mentions this legal pride with great finesse and his support for the issue of Kosovo is known nationally and worldwide…
I would mention here the meeting with him in June 1999, where he was very happy that Kosovo (Dardania) was liberated…. He was very excited, his physiognomy was bright, even though the disease of leukemia had started to affect the colossus … I informed him about my novel my "THE KEYWORD OF THE FATAL", where I briefly introduced him to iTs substrate and read him an excerpt, where he is also the protagonist. The novel was published this year by his publishing house "Thamiris", in November 1999.
I knew Aristidh Koljan as a high level scholar, a historian, who had an extraordinary course and argumentative force of events and occurrences; he reached conclusions with an extraordinary "cooking" of events and occurrences, the sayings of his ancestors. He was a learned man, who loved his nation from which he originated with strength of heart and soul, a stubborn scholar in the defense of his scientific theses, scholar of great energies and great logical conclusions.
A scholar with high scientific and civic courage… A contributor to the progressiveness of the thesis explanation for the Pelasgian identity and mother tongue…
The work "Language of the Gods", a colorful rainbow of stars that come together to bring the illumination of the existence of Pelasgian antiquity…
Gjirokastra, April 2020
* Taken from the book "THE REVIVAL OF EXISTENCE" by the author, year 2020
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